Sunday, July 15, 2007

<3 this shirt


KLCtheBookWorm said...

There now. I got you in Bloglines. :D

gish said...

hey girl! wow, a lot has happened since we spoke last. congratulations and hello to kay! she looks so much like you, it's uncanny. if you ever want to chat, my email addy is (if not, though, i understand. i totally suck at keeping in touch with people.)

and i especially loved the photo of her with the game controller. lol

Mrs. Ladybug said...

Hey, Sarah! Wow, I was wondering a while ago what happened to you. I'm trying to get better at keeping in touch with people myself, per therapist's orders and personally wanting to. I'm so glad you found me. :D

gish said...

we're in tallahassee now, coz chris is going to law school. i'm working at strozier library at fsu, which is like my dream job. i went over to your lj the other night, coz i was wondering what you were up to, which led me here. next time i'm in town, maybe i can visit you guys and meet miss kay. ^_^