Thursday, July 3, 2008

So very behind

Well, I'm not going to bother catching up. Anyone who would read this already knows all that's happened so, oh well. But In good new, I HAZ A JOB, let me show you it!!!!

I just accepted a job with Capitol One. I'm so excited but now I'm going to go read "Five Languages of Love" It's got some great ideas that might make all the difference in my next relationship and my family life.

Off to read and giggle at my good fortune. Wishing you all well. Hope to have coffee and/or see a movie with Kindra.

Bye guys.

1 comment:

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Job good! I know how the barely employed syndrome feels like. I'm home this weekend, and I think I want to try to go one day to BableCon July 19th if we don't leave early for Texas. Atticus will be two on 26th and we're heading to Austin for a week vacation before.